I have a feeling that when I say, I feel like shit when I don’t get enough sleep, I’m not alone. Most of the day was great! I was feeling good, but the lack of sleep coupled with way too much sugar and just food that is not good for you, has caught up to me. I’m barley awake right now. Sugar crash + not enough sleep = not a good idea.

So normally I feel pretty good about myself and how I look. I’ve got a good figure and I basically know that. But I feel like crap today. Well not all of today just after 4. I’ve got a crush on a guy, and I’ve noticed that once I admit to liking them, I like them EVEN MORE. So, I just kinda liked this guy and then I admitted that I liked him. Now I actually LIKE him. Or maybe it’s just my exhaustion mixed with loneliness speaking. Don’t get me wrong, I have friends. I love them, I just don’t have a BOYfriend. and I’m not desperate. But I would really like one, I’ve never had one before. So yeah. Self-confidence is in the dumps today. I’m pretty sure that he doesn’t like me back even though one of my friends is sure he does.

So Im just whining in the hopes that I’ll feel better. I’m tired, and sad, and feeling un-self-confident. I swear my boobs have shrunk.

~ by Toes on July 5, 2011.

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